Time sure does fly..... Can't believe it's already April. Not doing so well in the resolution to keep this updated. Although I am doing well with some of the other resolutions.
One of my resolutions for the year was to get fit. It took me a little to decide on which way I was going to. I am one of those people that is not self motivated or disciplined when it comes to exercise. So the best bet was a club and I took the dive and joined 24 Hour Fitness. I picked them because there are two clubs within minutes from home and one of them is on the drive home. Since March 1 (or there abouts) I've been going to the gym and participating in the classes. I take the 24SET (strength endurance training) class 4 days a week and yoga once a week. The SET class has some cardio (using steps) and is a well rounded routine to work out all muscle groups. The classes are an hour long and the instructors vary the routine to keep it interesting. I think I need to revamp the plan a bit to include cardio, as the SET classes have very little cardio. I have noticed changes overall in how I feel (and maybe even look - could be my imagination). I am staying away from weighing myself and don't want to be discouraged or driven by the scale.
The olympics are in Beijing this year and the torch relay has began - taking the torch/flame around the world. It's all a bit confusing, as they say the torch is going around the world but actually it's the flame that is going around the world. San Francisco was picked as the only North American stop for the relay and it would come through the airport. The flame comes in 3 lanterns, each relay runner gets a torch and it's the flame that moves down the relay as the runners get to keep the torch they run with. If you've been watching the news, you know that the whole relay is being tied in with the politics of china and their human rights issues. In an attempt to keep the torch lit and the relay going, San Francisco made many last minute changes in the route and the program, which included having the closing ceremonies at the airport! I am very proud of the team at the airport that made that happen in a matter of hours. It was great for me to see it all up front and personal.

Another resolution I've been working on is traveling. My sister is staying in Shanghai for a year and I will be visiting her there and back home to Hong Kong. It's my first ever 3 week vacation and am looking forward to the break. I head out on April 24th and fly back on May 16th. I will be in Shanghai for a week and two weeks in Hong Kong. I have yet to work through the itineraries but all else is in place. Tickets bought, visa in hand!! And I plan (I can just see the eyes rolling) on having a separate blog for the trip - I know, I know, I failed miserably with that on the europe trip but I will have more time and easy computer access....