Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Can't believe another year is over! It sure does tend to fly by fast but I am glad to say that was a year of many accomplishments. Leaving aside the big "D" word and focusing on the positive. A goal this year was to try new things, and I did plenty of that.

1. Traveled plenty - Shanghai, Hong Kong, Boston, Tampa/Tarpon Springs FL, Los Angeles
2. Went drinking with the gals and drank.... wine, martini (never again)
3. Ate sushi (not bad!)
4. Joined the gym and kept up with the program!
5. Went to a concert (Maroon 5 & Counting Crows)
6. Made new friends
7. Reconnected with former friends
8. Hilighted my hair
9. Went to an art class
10. Voted for the first time.

And now goals for next year...... next post

1 comment:

smariek said...

Not a bad year, especially with #4. I don't think I could keep that up.