Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In the fog

It seems a bit silly but I've been wanting to do this for some time now and have been hung up on what to call my blog.

Somehow "In the fog" seems right in so many ways. Sometimes a state of mind, mostly the weather here (by the most beautiful city in the world). And so very coincidentally also what the weather was like in the town I lived in before I moved here.

I lived and went to school there for 3 years. On my first day there, I remember standing at the front of the building, looking out the gate to the hill beyond and the fog and mist rolling in. It's a boarding school, and so often when I am reading the HP books, I am reminded of my time there. I found a picture of the school online. It looks much smaller than I remember.

That's enough of a walk down memory lane.

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