I guess it was wishful thinking on my part that once the testing on my project was done that my involvement would lessen. When I was typing up the results of the test, I realized that I wasn't quite done yet and probably had another month's worth of work or more. But it's a bit better with the work loads, just the normal level of business although I am still working at good 11-12 hour day. Need to work on getting it back to 8 hours.
My dad is in town and my sister visited from Los Angeles this past weekend. Spent Saturday at a birthday party and Sunday lunch with the family and an afternoon with the cousins gossiping over Jamba juice. We were having fun talking about how each of us has had the opportunity at being the black sheep of the family and how when it's the youngests cousin's turn that there will be nothing scandalous left to be a black sheep about.
What else has been up - gave a presentation at the Taxi Commission on the project - it was held at City Hall with two 54" televisions in the meeting room. It was also aired on SF channel 26. A bit intimidating really but it went alright. Also had 2 other presentations to management on signage and the taxi project. Good to have all those out of the way and the stress over with. While the one at City Hall was intimidating, I think the one for the airport management was even more so.
The weather has been hot - much too hot for my taste but the fog rolled in today.
I am finally getting around to reading The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum, been wanting to read that for a while now and picked it up at the library.