Sunday, July 29, 2007

In the world of JK Rowling

So you had to know I'd have my head buried in the book every chance I got this week and I am finally done. I can't say that I had my normal bit of staying up to all hours of the night reading (not an indication on the book) to make sure I could work during the day but between last night and today I finished the book and I've got to say:


I don't want to ruin anything for the people that are still working through it but it really did deliver a punch. I cried, I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat, so to speak, and I am really happy about how it ended. Course it would have been nicer some things weren't that way but we knew that was coming. I very much liked the Luna character here and you could totally see how the person playing her in the Order of the Phoenix was perfectly cast. Oh and Neville! Mrs Weasley - who would have thought she had it in her! And what about Kreacher huh? And Dobbie! And what about the turn on Big D and the story behind AD.

My cousin told me that as she was surfing along, a pop-up said "Voldemort kills XXXXXX" - how horrible is that to put something like that out on a pop-up, someone else told me that and totally pissed me off - why would you tell someone that knowing they're DYING to read the book???? Anyhows, that little bit wasn't true.

As some of you may recall, I had a hard time with how the Half Blood Prince ended and had to reread the book to look for clues fo it not being true but I feel content having finished this book and the ending.

Everywhere I looked this week, I seemed to see people carrying their HP - so cool to see how everyone has taken to this.

If you're interested in some reviews and talk on the book - check out this link - warning - there are spoilers

Hmmmm, what am I going to do now?

1 comment:

smariek said...

Yay, I finally finished the book. Now I can get some sleep. :-)