Saturday, December 30, 2006


I know I posted something on Christmas - mostly just a greeting but blogger ate it. So a belated Merry Christmas.

I had to extend my trip in Brussels by a couple of days due to some unanticipated issues on the work portion of the trip. And while staying was the only real good decision to make, it made for a challenging week before Christmas. You never really know how much you need 2 more days until you don't have them. I had gifts to buy, a house to clean up (the clan was coming over to our place), jet lag to get over, etc. etc and work to go to. I did manage to get through it all - course I did give up a few things and was behind on some other things - ie I didn't make any cards this year and I still working on the souvenir thing I am putting together for friends from the trip.

I took about 1000 pictures on the trip - not all worth keeping. I have been working on downloading them onto the computer and then trying to figure out how best to share them with others. I had decided on flickr thinking that by using a smaller size file, I could manage with their storage limit - no!!! In addition to a size limit, they have a quantity limit. Also, when viewing the slide show, you don't see the photo titles and descriptions - arghhhhh - I spent all this time getting the photos up there, adding the titles and descriptions - grrrrrrr. I also need to give my cousin all the photos on a CD and even on that end, I can't figure out how best to give her the photos with captions. CNET had a high rating for some photo software that can do slideshows with captions from Adobe and it was free, so I downloaded it and it didn't work - geez. It's like these photos just aren't meant to be shared.

Now that I've got the family gatherings behind me, I can focus on other things. Like sharing the trip - started a separate blog for that. Want to read a bit and start knitting/crocheting again.

So what did Santa get me? Well, my trip was my big treat. Our family does secret Santa and I got a robe and socks and a kitty plack. I had been wanting a robe and you can never have too many socks and the cat plack is just great (The cat and it's housekeeper live here). My sister flew in, which was nice and we spent some time together. Got some cute earrings from friends.

Have a safe new years.

1 comment:

smariek said...

I've tagged you for a meme.... :-)