Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolutions/Goals 2009

Perhaps this is a lost cause seeing that I never do well in this department, but it is New Years Eve and having some goals for the new year seems like a good way to start.

1. Continue with the fitness program. Including biking outdoors once or twice a week (must seek out places to do this). Learn roller blading (this year's attempt was rather pathetic!)
2. Be more organized (I think this will be one of those forever goals that never quite happens).
3. Be more aware of finances
4. Stay in touch with friends and family
5. Add to my social circle but not just another name on my friends list on facebook
6. Read more - is two books a month a good goal to work towards?
7. Be more green - more efforts towards recycling, carrying a reusable bag
8. Simplify and declutter
9. Have new adventures/travels
10. Improved nutrition and health (ice cream, chocolate and mocha are not a part of the good groups!)

Tall order for the new year but some of them are things I already do but want to spend more time on.

1 comment:

smariek said...

I'm in Monterey right now, it's a bit drizzly/rainy. Don't think this counts as a new adventure in traveling for me since I've been here several times now.

You'll be way ahead of me if you read 2 books a month.

The big thing with knitters this past summer was knitting cotton yarn to make market bags. It's those "net"-like bags that easily expand to fit whatever you want to stuff into them. That's one way to be more green.

Oh and I also know knitters who made reusable shopping bags, knitting them out of old plastic grocery store bags.