Saturday, July 05, 2008

Progressing - the work out program

I joined 24 Hour Fitness on March 1, 2008 and have been attending their group classes. Initially mostly the SET (strength, endurance, training) and yoga. Now a combination of Kick Boxing, SET & Yoga. With the SET class, I could definitely feel a difference in my muscles and the form and some weight/measurement changes.

Since the start of the kick boxing classes, there has been more of a change in the measurements. Weight change has been a difficult to tell, the scale is EVIL and shows no change, which is simply not possible seeing how loose my clothes are on me. But they say muscle is heavier than fat, so I am gaining muscle mass.

The down side to all this working out (other than working out and being sore!) is that I have/need to spend more time stretching my muscles. My knees hurt (muscles are too tight!).

I am almost 2 sizes smaller - YAY! Picked a new outfit.... I know the skirt isn't very practical but it was cute.

While I can see the changes, I can also see the "trouble" areas. Between the achey knees and trouble areas, I decided to sign up a few sessions with a personal trainer. I had my first session today. We covered some basic things (health condition, my goals, etc), took measurements, heart rate etc. He had me do 3 sets of squats, so that he could check my posture. Sure enough the trouble areas had something to do with tight muscles.

I am to work out on the elliptical for about 40 minutes at a heart rate of 150 (when am I supposed to do this on top of my current work out schedule??). At the session today, he worked out the abs with me. 3 sets of sit ups, without going all the way down (15, 20, 25 repetitions), 3 sets of cruches (sit ups with lets up, 15, 20 & 25 reps), 3 sets for lateral abs (dropping and lifting legs to/from the side, 8/12/16 reps), and lastly having my legs lifted and going in circles (15, 20 & 25 reps), 2 sets with my shoulders off the ground. By the end of that, I definitely felt like I had worked out my core section.

He gave me a sheet with stretching exercises to help with the tight muscles. Next session a week from today.

1 comment:

smariek said...

I feel exhausted just reading about everything you did with the trainer today.

That top is really cute!!!