Thursday, October 26, 2006
From one site to the next and discovered....
I was going through my email and checked out a site linked in an email and went to another from there and came across a story about a boyfriend who hijacked his girlfriends' blog - check it out.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A day up north
We're having a bit of the Indian summer around here - I have no idea why it's called an Indian summer but I think it just means unseasonally warm for the time of the year. It was 80 plus degress Fahrenheit.
I had plans to go see Tania. She lives up north. I haven't seen her in a while and she invited me over to see the new digs and possibly learn some lampworking. I got to a late start and ran into a lot of traffic and decided to take the scenic route - by the beach and through the Presidio. For once, it was a great day and I had my camera so I took advantage of both to capture the day.

According to Google map, she is approximately 60 miles from here but since I took the scenic route, it was probably a little longer. For the most part the drive was just fine until I reached closer to Petaluma/Santa Rosa and then it got a bit busy. Once past Santa Rosa, I had to drive west and I was sure I was headed the wrong way - I had followed the instructions Tania gave me but all I could see was vineyards and fields. I kept thinking where has she moved to? the sticks? If I hadn't called and checked, I might have turned back to make sure I didn't miss my turn.
She has a really nice place - a nice cottage feel - the details are just great but it was also a nice size. She showed me around a bit and then we walked downtown for lunch - yes, we walked just a few blocks and there it was. It's a nice town with pretty homes and interesting architectural details - I would just love to live there - well except for the heat and the commute and um the country and er spiders. Still love it though... well minus the spiders (can you see that I have a phobia here).
We had lunch at a Thai place and then walked around and checked out the stores. We went to a yarn place and picked up yarn - yes, I bought yarn. L wants a new cap and I picked up some very nice yarn to make a few caps. We also stopped by the bead store and the Pottery painting place that also has classes on fused glass (Tania was interested in getting information to take a class). To top it off we went to Screaming Mimi's for ice-cream and then walked back.
Back at her place, Tania demonstrated how to make a glass bead and then I got to try it. It was very interesting to make one for myself. That's me concentrating on the flame and bead. I am wearing the UV protective glasses - they make seeing the color of the work a bit difficult but being that the glass is molten, it's pretty much orange and I probably couldn't make out the color anyway. I put down a layer of white glass first and then a stripe of purple. While the stripe was not perfect, the bead is round! I had figured that my first one would be distorted but it was not.

Tania had made some caps for the Cap Karma project - I had her model them for that blog. Talked crocheting and knitting and the blog and who knows what else - oh yes, and stamping, flickr and wists......
Can't believe how much we squeezed into one day. By the time I got to leaving it was late and I had a long drive ahead of me.
Managed to stop at the Legion of Honor on the way home and took one last photo for the day.
I had plans to go see Tania. She lives up north. I haven't seen her in a while and she invited me over to see the new digs and possibly learn some lampworking. I got to a late start and ran into a lot of traffic and decided to take the scenic route - by the beach and through the Presidio. For once, it was a great day and I had my camera so I took advantage of both to capture the day.

According to Google map, she is approximately 60 miles from here but since I took the scenic route, it was probably a little longer. For the most part the drive was just fine until I reached closer to Petaluma/Santa Rosa and then it got a bit busy. Once past Santa Rosa, I had to drive west and I was sure I was headed the wrong way - I had followed the instructions Tania gave me but all I could see was vineyards and fields. I kept thinking where has she moved to? the sticks? If I hadn't called and checked, I might have turned back to make sure I didn't miss my turn.
She has a really nice place - a nice cottage feel - the details are just great but it was also a nice size. She showed me around a bit and then we walked downtown for lunch - yes, we walked just a few blocks and there it was. It's a nice town with pretty homes and interesting architectural details - I would just love to live there - well except for the heat and the commute and um the country and er spiders. Still love it though... well minus the spiders (can you see that I have a phobia here).
We had lunch at a Thai place and then walked around and checked out the stores. We went to a yarn place and picked up yarn - yes, I bought yarn. L wants a new cap and I picked up some very nice yarn to make a few caps. We also stopped by the bead store and the Pottery painting place that also has classes on fused glass (Tania was interested in getting information to take a class). To top it off we went to Screaming Mimi's for ice-cream and then walked back.
Back at her place, Tania demonstrated how to make a glass bead and then I got to try it. It was very interesting to make one for myself. That's me concentrating on the flame and bead. I am wearing the UV protective glasses - they make seeing the color of the work a bit difficult but being that the glass is molten, it's pretty much orange and I probably couldn't make out the color anyway. I put down a layer of white glass first and then a stripe of purple. While the stripe was not perfect, the bead is round! I had figured that my first one would be distorted but it was not.

Tania had made some caps for the Cap Karma project - I had her model them for that blog. Talked crocheting and knitting and the blog and who knows what else - oh yes, and stamping, flickr and wists......
Can't believe how much we squeezed into one day. By the time I got to leaving it was late and I had a long drive ahead of me.
Managed to stop at the Legion of Honor on the way home and took one last photo for the day.

Friday, October 20, 2006
Walking shoes, shin splits and monkeys.
Overall not the best week I've ever had and the not worst either but I am glad it's over and tomorrow is a new day and next week a new slate.
I've been trying to keep up an exercise program - I've been brisk walking on a treadmill - I started about a month ago and for the first 3 weeks all went all - I managed to keep it up about 5 times a week for about 30-40 minutes. Last week my right leg started to hurt below the knee, never had that kind of pain before. Had to look it up but didn't know what to look up - it was suggested that maybe I was wearing the wrong kind of shoes - huh? Wrong kind of shoes - they are shoes you run in - Nikes at that - wrong kind of shoes? Well turns out that if you're a walker, running shoes can cause problems - still puzzled by this. They are well made well supported shoes..... Further research indicated that such pain is called shin splits and is known to be a problem with exercising on the treadmill and possible with wrong shoes. Derailed the exercise program for a week.
I have size 5.5 feet - any idea how hard it is to find everyday shoes in that size? Well it's even harder in the athletic shoe variety. I am sure the mall stores that specialize in athletic shoes would have that size and also charge 3 times more than they should for them. I found that to be true and didn't find anything in the standard places. I can't really tell the difference between the walking shoes and the running shoes, aside from what it says on the side of the box. There are definitely more of the running variety than the walking variety. Finally found some at the S department store in the mall - $30 (vs $80 in the mall specialty store) for a nice pair of reeboks - never had problems with reebok. BTW, what's with all the pink athletic shoes for grown women?
With the shin splits hurting less and a new pair of "walking" shoes, I am back to the exercise program. I am trying not to push as hard and go as fast.
Monkeys - should I talk about monkeys.... I will get into it a bit I suppose - what was so bad about this week? Well, work wasn't so great. What does that have to do with monkeys you ask. If you live in this country, you've definitely seen the ads by Career Builder about "working with monkeys" - they are actually quite funny. Early this year, Career Builder had a lot of ads at the airport with this campaign - so we had 6-8 foot tall monkeys on the walls with different puns - "We failed as a team but I blamed you when I told the boss", "Don't worry about your project while you're gone, I've already taken credit even before you've left"..... you get the idea. A lot of the coworkers have had opinions about the monkeys every where - it was definitely doing it's job of getting attention. So when I have bad days at work, I think about monkeys and jack asses (one tv ad refers to that as well) and well you get the idea. So do I think I work with monkeys? No, I don't. I just appreciate having it to laugh at when I have one of those days.

If you haven't seen the TV ads - you can find them here:
I've been trying to keep up an exercise program - I've been brisk walking on a treadmill - I started about a month ago and for the first 3 weeks all went all - I managed to keep it up about 5 times a week for about 30-40 minutes. Last week my right leg started to hurt below the knee, never had that kind of pain before. Had to look it up but didn't know what to look up - it was suggested that maybe I was wearing the wrong kind of shoes - huh? Wrong kind of shoes - they are shoes you run in - Nikes at that - wrong kind of shoes? Well turns out that if you're a walker, running shoes can cause problems - still puzzled by this. They are well made well supported shoes..... Further research indicated that such pain is called shin splits and is known to be a problem with exercising on the treadmill and possible with wrong shoes. Derailed the exercise program for a week.
I have size 5.5 feet - any idea how hard it is to find everyday shoes in that size? Well it's even harder in the athletic shoe variety. I am sure the mall stores that specialize in athletic shoes would have that size and also charge 3 times more than they should for them. I found that to be true and didn't find anything in the standard places. I can't really tell the difference between the walking shoes and the running shoes, aside from what it says on the side of the box. There are definitely more of the running variety than the walking variety. Finally found some at the S department store in the mall - $30 (vs $80 in the mall specialty store) for a nice pair of reeboks - never had problems with reebok. BTW, what's with all the pink athletic shoes for grown women?
With the shin splits hurting less and a new pair of "walking" shoes, I am back to the exercise program. I am trying not to push as hard and go as fast.
Monkeys - should I talk about monkeys.... I will get into it a bit I suppose - what was so bad about this week? Well, work wasn't so great. What does that have to do with monkeys you ask. If you live in this country, you've definitely seen the ads by Career Builder about "working with monkeys" - they are actually quite funny. Early this year, Career Builder had a lot of ads at the airport with this campaign - so we had 6-8 foot tall monkeys on the walls with different puns - "We failed as a team but I blamed you when I told the boss", "Don't worry about your project while you're gone, I've already taken credit even before you've left"..... you get the idea. A lot of the coworkers have had opinions about the monkeys every where - it was definitely doing it's job of getting attention. So when I have bad days at work, I think about monkeys and jack asses (one tv ad refers to that as well) and well you get the idea. So do I think I work with monkeys? No, I don't. I just appreciate having it to laugh at when I have one of those days.

If you haven't seen the TV ads - you can find them here:
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Almost done with HP6
For those who don't know what that means - I am reading the 6th Harry Potter Book - The Half Blood Prince - again and am almost done. I read it last year when it first came out and now that it's out in paper back, I picked up my copy and read it again. When it comes to a good book, it's hard for me to do anything else until I am done, including sleeping. So I've got one more chapter to go and then I am done. I knew the end was going to be difficult to re-read and it was (OK, so I cried, you would, too, it was sad). SPOILER ALERT -- if you haven't read the book, be forwarned that I am giving away some of the suspense here. I had to re-read the book to find clues on whether or not the big "D" actually did die and whether the Half Blood Prince really did it. And I am not convinced of either. There is a lot of discussion on the internet regarding both and so I guess I am not the only one who'd like for it not to be true.
Until the next and last book, life goes on....
Christina at work just knit her first pair of socks, and ever since I saw them I've wanted to knit a pair - I know it's insane. I have been thinking about a pair of knitted Gryffindor socks. And while I am on a HP kick, I would also like modified Gryffindor scarf - friends big hints here. A Weasley sweater would be nice but this little one would be cute too - with a "V" of course.
Better get to reading the last chapter.
Until the next and last book, life goes on....
Christina at work just knit her first pair of socks, and ever since I saw them I've wanted to knit a pair - I know it's insane. I have been thinking about a pair of knitted Gryffindor socks. And while I am on a HP kick, I would also like modified Gryffindor scarf - friends big hints here. A Weasley sweater would be nice but this little one would be cute too - with a "V" of course.
Better get to reading the last chapter.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
My creative outlets
I noticed that while I talk about being a creative spirit I haven't actually said anything about my creative outlets - seems like a lot more work stuff here than fun stuff. Well, unfortunately, this creative spirit does have creative blocks more often than I would like. And between having more creative work to do on the job and the illustrator class, I get the creative outlet at work.
So what have I done lately....
1. I am crocheting a cap right now, standard double crochet just to get back into the swing of cap making.
2. I made an ankh rosary for Nik-nik - like a rosary only with the eygptian cross rather than the crucifix - to wear not to pray with. Don't think beading is my thing although I do dabble a little.
3. Crocheted a blanket for my aunt's dog - he loves it.
4. A little photography - just experimenting to see if I have an eye for it - I don't. I think Nik-nik got that talent in the family.
Haven't done much of the paper crafts, which really is my thing. But with the holidays looming I really ought to get back into it.
So what have I been doing with all my free time? What free time? Reading (James Patterson, Dan Brown, JK Rowling) I guess, surfing....
So what have I done lately....
1. I am crocheting a cap right now, standard double crochet just to get back into the swing of cap making.
2. I made an ankh rosary for Nik-nik - like a rosary only with the eygptian cross rather than the crucifix - to wear not to pray with. Don't think beading is my thing although I do dabble a little.
3. Crocheted a blanket for my aunt's dog - he loves it.
4. A little photography - just experimenting to see if I have an eye for it - I don't. I think Nik-nik got that talent in the family.
Haven't done much of the paper crafts, which really is my thing. But with the holidays looming I really ought to get back into it.
So what have I been doing with all my free time? What free time? Reading (James Patterson, Dan Brown, JK Rowling) I guess, surfing....
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Nice Long Weekend
It's a three day weekend thanks to Columbus Day.
Smariek and I went to the San Carlos Art & Wine Festival on Saturday. It was a really nice day, weather was warm but not too hot. The festival was nice - the art/crafts booths were better than I had seen elsewhere before. We took our time looking around and taking in all the booths - particularly the knit/crochet wares and the handmade jewelry. We stopped by one particular booth, that I had visited at another festival, to shop for earrings - we took our time going through 5 or 6 baskets of earrings and picked a few for gifts (and one, maybe more for myself). S noted that she couldn't possible do this sort of thing with her DH, and I agreed that this is definitely the kind of thing to do with girl friends and not men. We ended the day with a late lunch at Mimi's.
Today was another warm day - um, aren't we into fall - didn't it rain last week? What season are we in? I spent a lot of time sleeping - a perfect afternoon of napping in the sun - I guess the cats are rubbing off on me... hehe. Went into the office to finish up on my reading for the illustrator class - the exercises in the book need to be done with the software which I don't have at home. Now I am all caught up and ready for the final on Tuesday.
Plans for tomorrow? Nothing yet.... A lazy day reading or crafting? Definitely sleeping in.
Smariek and I went to the San Carlos Art & Wine Festival on Saturday. It was a really nice day, weather was warm but not too hot. The festival was nice - the art/crafts booths were better than I had seen elsewhere before. We took our time looking around and taking in all the booths - particularly the knit/crochet wares and the handmade jewelry. We stopped by one particular booth, that I had visited at another festival, to shop for earrings - we took our time going through 5 or 6 baskets of earrings and picked a few for gifts (and one, maybe more for myself). S noted that she couldn't possible do this sort of thing with her DH, and I agreed that this is definitely the kind of thing to do with girl friends and not men. We ended the day with a late lunch at Mimi's.
Today was another warm day - um, aren't we into fall - didn't it rain last week? What season are we in? I spent a lot of time sleeping - a perfect afternoon of napping in the sun - I guess the cats are rubbing off on me... hehe. Went into the office to finish up on my reading for the illustrator class - the exercises in the book need to be done with the software which I don't have at home. Now I am all caught up and ready for the final on Tuesday.
Plans for tomorrow? Nothing yet.... A lazy day reading or crafting? Definitely sleeping in.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Cap Karma
Last year, I inherited a lot of yarn - more like a car full of yarn. I needed to do something with it that represented the person they came from, decided on making caps for chemo patients. There are a couple of knitting groups at the airport, so I offered up yarn to anyone interested in making caps to donate. The community responded in a huge way and we made and donated about 125 hats -many of the knitters & crocheters used their own yarn for the cause.
We are now ready for round 2. With this round, I've started the blog "Cap Karma" and given our project a place to share their creative spirit. My close friends know that knitting and crocheting is not my creative outlet of choice but I've really come to enjoy it more through this project. And it's surprising to me how this project has become such a cause at work and with some friends.
I've got Smariek (pseudonym) not just knitting caps but helping with the Cap Karma blog. And TF is also working on some. Last year at work, ladies I only passingly knew would walk up to me and start talking about what they've seen and how they are so excited about the project they are working on. I was surprised to find out how my emails to a few had been flowing through the community.
I'm having trouble deciding on my first project - all this pressure! Really, I am not that good at either knitting or crocheting.....
We are now ready for round 2. With this round, I've started the blog "Cap Karma" and given our project a place to share their creative spirit. My close friends know that knitting and crocheting is not my creative outlet of choice but I've really come to enjoy it more through this project. And it's surprising to me how this project has become such a cause at work and with some friends.
I've got Smariek (pseudonym) not just knitting caps but helping with the Cap Karma blog. And TF is also working on some. Last year at work, ladies I only passingly knew would walk up to me and start talking about what they've seen and how they are so excited about the project they are working on. I was surprised to find out how my emails to a few had been flowing through the community.
I'm having trouble deciding on my first project - all this pressure! Really, I am not that good at either knitting or crocheting.....
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The thunderous roar
There is absolutely nothing like the thunderous roar of a fighter jet. And for me, there isn't any other rush quite like it.
I am grateful to be in a part of the world where the sounds of fighter jets are not associated with dread of what's to come. Although there was a time after 9/11 when I didn't like seeing fighter jets in the area.
It's fleet week (, and that often includes the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels are the Navy's precision flight demonstration squadron - flying F-18 hornets. Both last year and this year, the Blue Angels have come into our airport for the event. And they really know how to get the buzz going with their fly by over the city.
They arrived today and will be practicing over the city the next two days. I got a glimpse of one of them coming in. All of them didn't arrive as scheduled probably because of the weather. Really tough getting a picture of a plane flying so fast!

Hoping to catch them out and about the next few days....
I am grateful to be in a part of the world where the sounds of fighter jets are not associated with dread of what's to come. Although there was a time after 9/11 when I didn't like seeing fighter jets in the area.
It's fleet week (, and that often includes the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels are the Navy's precision flight demonstration squadron - flying F-18 hornets. Both last year and this year, the Blue Angels have come into our airport for the event. And they really know how to get the buzz going with their fly by over the city.
They arrived today and will be practicing over the city the next two days. I got a glimpse of one of them coming in. All of them didn't arrive as scheduled probably because of the weather. Really tough getting a picture of a plane flying so fast!

Hoping to catch them out and about the next few days....
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Preparedness Exercise
On Sepember 20th, I participated in the airport's annual crash exercise. Airports' are required to have the preparedness exercises so that everyone that has a role knows their role should anything happen. It's a full scale exercise, with volunteers for passengers, family/friends greeters, the response teams from the Airport and surrounding mutual aid. Make-up artist to give people realistic wounds. The whole nine-yards.
When you sign up for the exercise as a volunteer, you get to chose whether you want to be a passsenger or a family/friend greeter. Being my first time, I figured why not be a passenger. I was chosen to be an uninjured survivor.
All passenger volunteers had to report in at 6am (6am!!!) for make-up but knowing that I was uninjured, I was told that it was OK for me to arrive a little later - 7:30am. A local high school helps out with the exercise by providing a bus full of students to play passengers. When I arrived, I saw people walking about with their make-up. It wasn't just make-up color, it had texture - very gory looking stuff.
The one thing that does not get exercised is the actual crashing of any planes. We just board the plane and wait till someone tells us to put our heads down and grab our ankles. As I was climbing the stairs to go into the plane, I noticed a kid in front of me had something sticking out of his ankle - it looked like bone - his bone - it really looked like his bone was sticking out of his skin - made me want to get sick. The plane was an old one used just for this purpose and quite small, especially considering all the teenagers on-board - at some point I was wondering what I was thinking signing up to be on a plane full of kids. But once the exercise started everything moved quickly. We were told if we were not simulating being injured we should walk off the plane - the folks that were simulating injured people stayed behind. About 3o of us walked off the plane and stood to the side on the field - we were out just in time to see the fire trucks arriving with their water guns blazing - it was a site. Shortly after that other fire engines - mutual aid - started arriving. In a real life scenario, the airport fire fighters would be fighting the fire and the others would help with rescue and treatment.
As we were standing by watching, ambulances started to arrive to simulate their roles. There was so much going on - it was hard to decide what to watch. The doctor from the clinic came to check in on the un-injured. The firemen came around to check on us and sort us by injuries - greens were OK to go, yellows needed treatment and red needed immediate treatment. The greens (including me) were loaded onto a bus and we were waiting there. A couple of the firemen (one very cute one) came to check in on us and so did volunteers from the Red Cross - all playing their roles very well.
Sitting on the bus, we could watch the "injured" being wheeled to the triage area and get sorted and treated. We saw ambulances taking people to the mock hospital and someone even got air lifted in a helicopter. Eventually the bus took us to the terminal to be reunited with our friends/friendly. As I was entering the waiting room, I was given a sheet of paper telling me who would be meeting me - an Armit Upadhay - never heard of him. I was greeted by a Red Cross volunteer who asked how I was and if I needed anything and then escorted to a seat where a Chaplain from a nearby city was going to aske me a few questions. All these years at the airport and I had no idea the extent of community involvement in such scenarios. The chaplain asked me if I was alright, if I needed anything and then filled out a form to help me get reunited. I had no trouble with my questions but was a little lost at on the greeter part since all I had was a name - I made up the rest and then went and took a seat. The other volunteers did the same.
In another part of the airport, volunteers playing family and friends were arriving to meet this plane and they had to eventually find out what had happened and try to get information on their end.
The exercise ended 2 hours after it had started. Some of the people had been reunited. A few minutes after the exercise, long time buddy Mark comes over and askes why I hadn't come looking for him, I told him I had no idea he was supposed to be Armit. Turns out all I had was a made-up name and he had a whole bio on me and my so called trip around the world.
Afterwards, all the volunteers met up for lunch - got to chat with Armit and a few of the other visitors. Got to hear all the comments from all the players. A very educational experience and I will be sure to participate again.
So what's next - Fleet week and the Blue Angels this week. Umm - isn't this supposed to be work?
When you sign up for the exercise as a volunteer, you get to chose whether you want to be a passsenger or a family/friend greeter. Being my first time, I figured why not be a passenger. I was chosen to be an uninjured survivor.
All passenger volunteers had to report in at 6am (6am!!!) for make-up but knowing that I was uninjured, I was told that it was OK for me to arrive a little later - 7:30am. A local high school helps out with the exercise by providing a bus full of students to play passengers. When I arrived, I saw people walking about with their make-up. It wasn't just make-up color, it had texture - very gory looking stuff.
The one thing that does not get exercised is the actual crashing of any planes. We just board the plane and wait till someone tells us to put our heads down and grab our ankles. As I was climbing the stairs to go into the plane, I noticed a kid in front of me had something sticking out of his ankle - it looked like bone - his bone - it really looked like his bone was sticking out of his skin - made me want to get sick. The plane was an old one used just for this purpose and quite small, especially considering all the teenagers on-board - at some point I was wondering what I was thinking signing up to be on a plane full of kids. But once the exercise started everything moved quickly. We were told if we were not simulating being injured we should walk off the plane - the folks that were simulating injured people stayed behind. About 3o of us walked off the plane and stood to the side on the field - we were out just in time to see the fire trucks arriving with their water guns blazing - it was a site. Shortly after that other fire engines - mutual aid - started arriving. In a real life scenario, the airport fire fighters would be fighting the fire and the others would help with rescue and treatment.
As we were standing by watching, ambulances started to arrive to simulate their roles. There was so much going on - it was hard to decide what to watch. The doctor from the clinic came to check in on the un-injured. The firemen came around to check on us and sort us by injuries - greens were OK to go, yellows needed treatment and red needed immediate treatment. The greens (including me) were loaded onto a bus and we were waiting there. A couple of the firemen (one very cute one) came to check in on us and so did volunteers from the Red Cross - all playing their roles very well.
Sitting on the bus, we could watch the "injured" being wheeled to the triage area and get sorted and treated. We saw ambulances taking people to the mock hospital and someone even got air lifted in a helicopter. Eventually the bus took us to the terminal to be reunited with our friends/friendly. As I was entering the waiting room, I was given a sheet of paper telling me who would be meeting me - an Armit Upadhay - never heard of him. I was greeted by a Red Cross volunteer who asked how I was and if I needed anything and then escorted to a seat where a Chaplain from a nearby city was going to aske me a few questions. All these years at the airport and I had no idea the extent of community involvement in such scenarios. The chaplain asked me if I was alright, if I needed anything and then filled out a form to help me get reunited. I had no trouble with my questions but was a little lost at on the greeter part since all I had was a name - I made up the rest and then went and took a seat. The other volunteers did the same.
In another part of the airport, volunteers playing family and friends were arriving to meet this plane and they had to eventually find out what had happened and try to get information on their end.
The exercise ended 2 hours after it had started. Some of the people had been reunited. A few minutes after the exercise, long time buddy Mark comes over and askes why I hadn't come looking for him, I told him I had no idea he was supposed to be Armit. Turns out all I had was a made-up name and he had a whole bio on me and my so called trip around the world.
Afterwards, all the volunteers met up for lunch - got to chat with Armit and a few of the other visitors. Got to hear all the comments from all the players. A very educational experience and I will be sure to participate again.
So what's next - Fleet week and the Blue Angels this week. Umm - isn't this supposed to be work?
Monday, October 02, 2006
Illustration - graphics
I haven't slept through the night since mid-July, since that awful cough. First it was because of the coughing, then the congestion and now it's just a habit? I feel I could use the sleep yet I am somehow functioning with about 5 hours. I now have those lovely eyes that I haven't had since college all nighters.
In the beginning, I would eventually fall back asleep but now it's taking longer and longer to get back to sleep or not at all. Not much on television worth watching - actually that isn't entirely true. I did catch the Oprah bra and jean fitting show - Oprah is on at 1am! Turns out about 85-90% of us are wearing the wrong size bra - who knew. Go get fitted ladies - Nordstrom does that. Not sure who else. And about the jeans, too many of us are wearing the wrong jeans for our shape - now that's not a surprise.
So what else is on in the middle of the night, turns out TNT shows reruns of X-Files at around 4am - I caught it on two Saturdays but it wasn't on this past Saturday but on again this morning - Monday. Who watches X-files at this hour? It's too bad they don't run it at a decent hour, I would like to watch that again.
The days are getting shorter and colder - burr. May even rain on Wednesday.
I guess I'd better get going. May as well get to working.
In the beginning, I would eventually fall back asleep but now it's taking longer and longer to get back to sleep or not at all. Not much on television worth watching - actually that isn't entirely true. I did catch the Oprah bra and jean fitting show - Oprah is on at 1am! Turns out about 85-90% of us are wearing the wrong size bra - who knew. Go get fitted ladies - Nordstrom does that. Not sure who else. And about the jeans, too many of us are wearing the wrong jeans for our shape - now that's not a surprise.
So what else is on in the middle of the night, turns out TNT shows reruns of X-Files at around 4am - I caught it on two Saturdays but it wasn't on this past Saturday but on again this morning - Monday. Who watches X-files at this hour? It's too bad they don't run it at a decent hour, I would like to watch that again.
The days are getting shorter and colder - burr. May even rain on Wednesday.
I guess I'd better get going. May as well get to working.
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