Sunday, October 22, 2006

A day up north

We're having a bit of the Indian summer around here - I have no idea why it's called an Indian summer but I think it just means unseasonally warm for the time of the year. It was 80 plus degress Fahrenheit.

I had plans to go see Tania. She lives up north. I haven't seen her in a while and she invited me over to see the new digs and possibly learn some lampworking. I got to a late start and ran into a lot of traffic and decided to take the scenic route - by the beach and through the Presidio. For once, it was a great day and I had my camera so I took advantage of both to capture the day.

According to Google map, she is approximately 60 miles from here but since I took the scenic route, it was probably a little longer. For the most part the drive was just fine until I reached closer to Petaluma/Santa Rosa and then it got a bit busy. Once past Santa Rosa, I had to drive west and I was sure I was headed the wrong way - I had followed the instructions Tania gave me but all I could see was vineyards and fields. I kept thinking where has she moved to? the sticks? If I hadn't called and checked, I might have turned back to make sure I didn't miss my turn.

She has a really nice place - a nice cottage feel - the details are just great but it was also a nice size. She showed me around a bit and then we walked downtown for lunch - yes, we walked just a few blocks and there it was. It's a nice town with pretty homes and interesting architectural details - I would just love to live there - well except for the heat and the commute and um the country and er spiders. Still love it though... well minus the spiders (can you see that I have a phobia here).

We had lunch at a Thai place and then walked around and checked out the stores. We went to a yarn place and picked up yarn - yes, I bought yarn. L wants a new cap and I picked up some very nice yarn to make a few caps. We also stopped by the bead store and the Pottery painting place that also has classes on fused glass (Tania was interested in getting information to take a class). To top it off we went to Screaming Mimi's for ice-cream and then walked back.

Back at her place, Tania demonstrated how to make a glass bead and then I got to try it. It was very interesting to make one for myself. That's me concentrating on the flame and bead. I am wearing the UV protective glasses - they make seeing the color of the work a bit difficult but being that the glass is molten, it's pretty much orange and I probably couldn't make out the color anyway. I put down a layer of white glass first and then a stripe of purple. While the stripe was not perfect, the bead is round! I had figured that my first one would be distorted but it was not.

Tania had made some caps for the Cap Karma project - I had her model them for that blog. Talked crocheting and knitting and the blog and who knows what else - oh yes, and stamping, flickr and wists......

Can't believe how much we squeezed into one day. By the time I got to leaving it was late and I had a long drive ahead of me.

Managed to stop at the Legion of Honor on the way home and took one last photo for the day.


smariek said...

Whatcha doing working at the airport? You should be a photographer! Great photos!

V. said...

Making a living - so I can afford to explore my artistic abilities....