Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The thunderous roar

There is absolutely nothing like the thunderous roar of a fighter jet. And for me, there isn't any other rush quite like it.

I am grateful to be in a part of the world where the sounds of fighter jets are not associated with dread of what's to come. Although there was a time after 9/11 when I didn't like seeing fighter jets in the area.

It's fleet week (, and that often includes the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels are the Navy's precision flight demonstration squadron - flying F-18 hornets. Both last year and this year, the Blue Angels have come into our airport for the event. And they really know how to get the buzz going with their fly by over the city.

They arrived today and will be practicing over the city the next two days. I got a glimpse of one of them coming in. All of them didn't arrive as scheduled probably because of the weather. Really tough getting a picture of a plane flying so fast!

Hoping to catch them out and about the next few days....

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