Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Almost done with HP6

For those who don't know what that means - I am reading the 6th Harry Potter Book - The Half Blood Prince - again and am almost done. I read it last year when it first came out and now that it's out in paper back, I picked up my copy and read it again. When it comes to a good book, it's hard for me to do anything else until I am done, including sleeping. So I've got one more chapter to go and then I am done. I knew the end was going to be difficult to re-read and it was (OK, so I cried, you would, too, it was sad). SPOILER ALERT -- if you haven't read the book, be forwarned that I am giving away some of the suspense here. I had to re-read the book to find clues on whether or not the big "D" actually did die and whether the Half Blood Prince really did it. And I am not convinced of either. There is a lot of discussion on the internet regarding both and so I guess I am not the only one who'd like for it not to be true.

Until the next and last book, life goes on....

Christina at work just knit her first pair of socks, and ever since I saw them I've wanted to knit a pair - I know it's insane. I have been thinking about a pair of knitted Gryffindor socks. And while I am on a HP kick, I would also like modified Gryffindor scarf - friends big hints here. A Weasley sweater would be nice but this little one would be cute too - with a "V" of course.

Better get to reading the last chapter.

1 comment:

smariek said...

So does this mean you have changed your opinion on knitted socks?